We provide remarkable solution against illegal copying of digital data like e-book and videos etc. Distribute your data in protected form so nobody will be able to spread illegal copies because illegal copies of data will not work anymore. Mostly educational tutorials and commercial data is sold directly in common form of documents and videos in formats of files like doc, pdf, jpeg, mp4, avi, mpeg, wmv and many more which can be easily copied and spread from one to other computers without any restriction. So, one person will purchase data and after copying, all others will use it freely. After distribution of your precious data in common formats, you will not be able to stop your sold data from being copied.
Once you sold your e-book and video based data, you will loss total control on it and an un-stoppable process of copying will be started if your data has any importance publically. Any body can copy it and use it. As the result, sales will be badly disturbed even stopped due to illegal copying because when free illegal copies are available then who will pay to buy it? Obviously, no one will pay to buy. Your files will be illegally accessible from all places where it is being copied offline and can downloaded too if someone has put them online. You can not stop anybody practically from spreading illegal copies of your commercial data and charm of your business will be lost. Few ones will purchase your data and all other users will use illegal copies of your data without paying you. Here we exist, we serve you to stop illegal copies and re-generation of all your data i.e. text, picture or video etc.
Your sold data will be accessed by only authorized customers using their registered computers/laptops if you have granted. Any copied file will not work on any other computer without your knowledge and permission. You will have complete control on your sold data even after distribution among public. We have made illegal copies of data completely useless and we also protect your data from any process of re-generation, modification or reverse engineering. We built Data Copy Protection System after hardworking of lot of years that any commercial/sold data will not be pirated by any mean and everybody has only one way to access your data just by purchasing directly from you. There is no other conventional way to access your data but only you.
Once your data is copy protected, you can distribute it with peace of mind using any offline/online method or removable media. Your data in case of protection is fully secured anywhere anytime. All types of your data which is needed to be protected is compiled into standalone, portable and executable form so data will be used only with computer/laptop. Every confirmed paid customer/user can access your data after registering his computer from you. If you register customer's computer through mobile SMS or email then all your protected data will be usable after your knowledge, payment and permission. Yes, we made it possible for you. If your creations or data is protected using our Data Copy Protection System then you can sell it without fear of piracy. Piracy and illegal usage of copied data is a terrible problem of today for creators, authors, writers, teachers, developers and content makers. You can over come on piracy to the large extents using our Data Copy Protected System in just minimum amount of money. User can get protected files directly from you or from anywhere but these files will work only if you allow.
Your raw data is passed through very complicated procedures of Data Copy Protection System including compression, encryption and conversion etc using multiple tools and programming modules. After converting your data into protected form of files, all output of protected files are provided to you for sale. You can distribute these protected files anywhere just like common files using any online or offline source. Then you can register any paid customer's computer with our collaboration using just any messaging or email platform. Your customer/user can use protected files only on his registered computer and not else where. It is always your decision that whom to register and for what period of time. A user can use protected files for life time or for some specific time of period as you have granted. User is totally bound to use protected files only in his registered computer and user can not use protected files else where. User can not transfer his registration information to any other computer or can not manipulate/bypass registration process. Every registration information is unique and valid for only one computer for which it has been created. We use deep modular protection which is hard enough to be nearly impossible to bypass or crack.
All paid customers can easily be managed and organized using their unique identity like mobile numbers to make it sure that a customer can not register himself twice without paying again. Additionally an other method is to issue a unique code to each customer to maintain his records and identification. So, nobody can misuse registration process and every registered user can be tracked easily. In simple, customer's all history can be tracked and maintained with his mobile number or by provided code. Moreover, we provide all quick training required for management of customers.
Data Copy Protection System not only make unregistered users completely unable to access contents of protected data but also restrict registered users to re-generate or rebuild contents of protected files through any normal digital technique. Registered users can only use contents of protected data by just viewing or watching it but can not re-create it by content copying, editing, printing, screen capturing or screen recording etc. So, no registered user can steal your work form your protected files. We made our data copy protection services flawless as far as possible.
*No Access Without Registration
* No Re-generation
* No Modification
* No Printing
* No Screen Shot
* No Screen Recoding
* No Virtual Machine
* No Cracking
Registration process will carried on after confirmed payment from customer/user when decided by you. Initially when user open or execute any file of protected data then a Registration Message Box appear which redirect user to registration process. Registration Message Box show unique Computer Code on each computer/laptop which is sent by paid user to you. You send this Computer Code to our Server to generate Registration Information for which is valid only for that specific paid user's computer with respect to its Computer Code. After receiving Registration Information from you and putting it in Registration Message Box user will be able to access protected data until your decided expiration. Registration Message Box is designed with respect to your needs and contact information.
Once registration process is completed successfully for any protected file, all regarding protected files will work smoothly. Because of deep modular protection, it is almost nearly impossible to bypass or crack Registration Message Box in sake of free data usage. This Registration Message Box is real guard of your sales and payments. Internet connection is not essential for user to complete registration process.
After registration, it is very easy to operate protected files on registered computer. The user interface of protected files is very user friendly during execution. No special instructions or training is needed for customer/user in operating of protected files. Protected e-book or documents looked so clear to use and interface is easily understandable. Protected e-book or documents work quickly after registration without installing any other program.
Protected video files can be watched in simple way as any common user operate normal media players. No special skill is required. Protected video files can contain high definition graphics without installing any codecs or other program. Protected video files are directly and instantly playable. Every protected video file has its own built-in ZEE Media Player and no other external media player can open, import or play protected video files.
Documentation and video tutorials are major elements which are used for educational and informational purposes. So, user interface is projected according to similar programs which are used to run common pdf and video files in computer.
Documents: .txt .doc .docx .xls .xlsx .ppt .pptx .pdf .htm
Videos: .mp4 .avi .wma. mepg .mkv
Pictures: .jpg .bmp .png .gif
Programs: .exe .bat .cmd .reg
We relay also on our Data Copy Protection System. We have sold our protected digital data to thousands of customers via online/removable media and faced no kind of leakage. You can check our online distance learning project as a sample to test quality of contents and strength of protection by clicking following link;
Check Sample >>>Online Computer Short Course<<<
Data Copy Protection Rate:
Any file is protected for only Rs. 300/-
Customer's Registration Rate:
Every customer is registered for only Rs. 300/-
"No illegal copies even less illegal copies mean more profit."
Order us for our services to protect your data for fearless sales by using following link;